11 Sales Training Basics Beginners MUST Master

"Gentlemen, this is a football"

This is how NFL football coach, Vince Lombardi, started the season's training camp with the Green Bay Packers in 1961.

This was coming off just losing the NFL Championship just a few months prior.

Yes, huddled with 3 dozen pro athletes, Lombardi was starting off the camp talking about the basics.

This was Lombardi's methodology: treat everyone like a clean slate and master the fundamentals.

Do them BETTER than anyone else.

As the training camp went on, Lombardi focused on the core.

Blocking and tackling.

Page 1 of the playbook.

He took nothing for granted and expected everyone to master the basics.

His obsession paid off:

6 months later the Green Pay Packers won the NFL Championship 37-0.

This was the beginning for Lombardi.

He won 5 NFL Championships in the span of 7 years.

Lombardi is one of the greatest Football coaches that has ever lived because of the principles he lived by.

The reality is that this applies to everything in life.

Simple ideas that are understood at a deep level.

I applied these same concepts as a salesperson for years and I instilled them in every sales team I ran.

This is why we had repeatable success every single year.

It was an obsession with the fundamentals and basics.

An obsession with doing the basics so insanely well that it separated my team and I from the pack.

I just put together a short training on 11 basics everyone must master.

Master these, and you'll be on your path to world class.

Check them out here and let's put the "FUN" back into "FUNdamentals" 🤣


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