The Perfect "Script" for the First 5 Minutes of Your Sales Call

Did you grow up playing sports?

I did (even though I was bad at most lol).

I ended up being pretty good at swimming and learned a lot of valuable life lessons from it.

One of my favorites?

The "power" of a great start.

My coach was fastidious about ensuring we had POWERFUL starts off the blocks for races.

A great start gave us momentum into the race.

And that momentum could carry through the rest of the race increasing our chances for success.

I've seen this in all sports:

A strong start sets the tone for races and games.

It doesn't always mean you'll win BUT it gives you an edge.

It's the same in sales:

When you are able to start a call strong, that momentum can flow through the rest of the call.

When it starts off awkward and choppy...that energy also carries through the rest of the call...

Over the years I've refined how I start calls into a simple 4-step "perfect" script.

A simple script that sets you up as a Trusted Advisor.

It's super easy and very effective.

Check it today's short training here.


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