The 3-Step Blueprint to Running The Perfect Sales Training Meeting

I wasn’t a born salesperson.

I didn’t grow up with the “gift of gab”.

I’m far more introverted than extroverted.

And I’m a pretty awkward and weird dude with lots of strange habits.

(Just ask my wife lololol.)

In fact, I almost got fired from my first sales role.

But eventually I figured it out.

And that led to me getting promoted 12X in 8 years at 2 Fortune 500 companies.

Here’s what’s interesting:

In all 12 roles?

I hit #1 in every single role.

And it wasn’t like #1 out of like 3 people.

But hundreds.


But not only that, I’ve been able to repeatedly teach others the same things to get insane results.

Which tells me they are foundation principles that can help anyone.

So this week’s video is on exactly that.

I’ve broken down 9 growth levers that have helped me close much business that it should be illegal.

And I think it’ll help you too.

​Check out the full video here.


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