Brutally Honest Cold Outreach Advice (backed by $140M+ ARR)

Every week I get privilege to speak to dozens of AEs who share with me their goals, dreams, and ambitions.

The money goals are always the “easy” and more “surface-level” aspirations.

But most also have a deeper desire to do more than just their role.

Some to either climb up the “corporate ladder” or to venture out and build their own thing.

For instance, I just learned that, Draper, one of my clients finally achieved his goal of becoming a CRO at a fast-growing cyber-security company this year.

Not only that, he’s also started his own consultancy and has six clients already.

Or Keare, who has started and been running a profitable ATM business for a while now while crushing it at his day job as an AE.

Or Tanya, who has just launched her new AI Automation agency and is already picking up clients.

Now recently, I had a former client, Phillip Chambers, reach out and it was particularly special to me.

Phillip was one of my early coaching clients that started working with me back in 2020, when I was still within the first year of my business.

It was for sure cool to see Phillip get results as an AE over the years.

But now?

He’s started his own venture as well focused on cold outreach.

What’s even cooler?

Years ago when we first chatted, he had shared he had wanted to do his own thing but just wasn’t sure what…

Now 4 years later, he has made it happen!

I could not be prouder 🙂

So now Phillip had reached out asking me to be on his podcast and I was more than happy to do it.

We jammed out on…

• The biggest challenges in cold outreach in today’s market
• Brutally honest advice on what it takes to be successful with cold outbound
• The future of cold outreach
• And more.

You can check out the full interview here.


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