How Simer Went From Average Results to 1500% to Target and 2 Promotions

Simer had been selling for years and had performed decently. Although he had big goals, he seemed to never quite get close to hitting them.

Simer decided to really invest in himself as he knew if he wanted to achieve his big goals, he needed to right coach and program to work with.

We started working with Simer and within ONE DAY, he closed his first deal doing exactly what we teach.

Within 30 days, he shot to #1 on his team, obtained 145% to target, and was closing deals bigger than ever before.

What Simer realized was that he didn't know what he DIDN'T KNOW. As he worked through our program and coaching calls, he started to see all the slight nuances he had been making errors on...nuances that led to BIG results.

Fast forward 5-6 months later and Simer was closing MORE deals and BIGGER deals. Not only were they bigger deals, he was taking average deals and MAXIMIZING them to be even BIGGER.

Within 7 total months of being part of our Inner Circle program, Simer achieved 1500%+ to target for his comp plan and was 3-10X'ing the average deal size! His sales process has become hyper-efficient allowing him to achieve more in less time.

As a result of his success, he was promoted within 7 months of working with us! Oh yeah - he also made more money and bought his first house too :)

The cool part is that his success has continued to compound and he has since been promoted to an Enterprise AE role all within 18 months of us working with him.

We could not be more happy with his success and look forward to him achieving even MORE in the future. If you'd like results like this, make sure to click the big blue buttons on this page to chat with us!


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