Preston had just joined a brand new start-up that had zero training. He knew they had a great product and he simply needed the tools to be successful.
He first tried on his own to book meetings and to close deals...but he had little success.
Then he uncovered our program through a friend.
He wanted to join immediately but he didn't have the funds to invest.
Cash was already tight and he wasn't sure where he'd get the money.
BUT he also know that investing in himself was vital for future success...
AND he knew the Inner Circle program would pay for itself and more.
He immediately cashed out some stocks and reinvested into our Inner Circle program.
In just over 30 days, Preston closed a $900,000+ deal earning a future payout of $90,000+.
2 weeks after that he closed a $2M+ deal earning a $200,000+ future payout.
Preston has continued to execute and now his startup is one of the Top 100 apps in the Apple Store as result!
As he says, "I've learned more in this program than what I've learned in school!"
Check out his thoughts below and congrats to Preston on his success!
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