How Hema Went From Closing 2 Accounts Last YEAR to Closing 25 Accounts in 3 MONTHS This Year

Hema is an entrepreneur that created an amazing software solution for potential B2B clients back in 2020.

Even though she had a great solution that she knew would be able to deliver, she struggled to prospect and bring in new clients.

She tried on her own for year: She tried cold outreach (cold emails, LinkedIn direct messages, etc) without much success and book very few appointments.

She ended up closing 2 accounts the entire year...

Hema gave herself one more year of trying to grow sales and the business. She had a clear goal of 50 new accounts for the year. If she failed, she would just go back to Corporate America.

Hema knew that if she continued doing what she was currently doing, she would continue to get the same poor results that would end up costing her the business she was trying to build.

Hema knew she needed help and fast to ensure the survival of her business.

We started to work with her in January 2020. We helped Hema improve her messaging, outreach, discovery calls, demos, and closing.

Within a couple days of working with her, she started immediately booking appointments off her LinkedIn outreach.

Hema continued to execute on our system and we continued to help her refine her sales process.

Fast forward 3 months and she has closed 25 new accounts all across the world - she has ALREADY 10X'ed the number of accounts she closed in her prior year...all within 3 months.

Hema is now pacing to do 200% to target for the year.

As a result of her incredible success, she was even recognized as a Top 50 Leading Company in Silicon Review!

We could not be more excited for her as she continues to grow and scale.

Check out the fun interview we had recently below as well.

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