Over the past 2 years, we’ve enrolled 838 clients & generated $10 million in revenue… with a single Facebook™ group.
Here’s how:
We started our group on January 6th, 2020...
In just 2 years, we've grown that group from zero to over 42,000 members.... and it continues to grow by 50-100 new people each day.
Plus, it's one of the most active & engaged groups in our industry.
Most importantly, it generates us clients, consistently.
Within 90 days of launching that group, we were pulling in over $100,000/month in revenue.
Fast forward to today & we consistently generate half a million or more each month.
And the best part?
Our method doesn’t require us to post more than 2x each week…
We don’t spend a single second of our day cold messaging prospects…
And we definitely don't use complicated funnels or fancy websites...
Even managing the group itself takes less than two hours/week.
Soon after we discovered how well this process worked inside our own business, we began teaching it to others.
Today, our clients have generated more than $60MM with their Facebook™ groups.
Because of our group, our business is both simple and effective.
While our competitors (and maybe even you) struggle to fill their calendars with pre-qualified leads ready to join their coaching program…
...we're fully booked with our dream prospects lining up to purchase our most expensive offers.
We turn away roughly 30 percent of qualified prospects because our acceptance standards are so high, thanks to having a full calendar of pre-qualified calls booked.
A simple client-getting group could be the difference between you staying stuck where you are now… and you building a business you can finally be proud of you.
After 2 years of working in the trenches with our own group & helping our clients grow some of the most profitable groups on the planet…
…we’ve created a new division of our company, where we can ethically guarantee you…
You’ll make, at minimum, $30,000 with your Facebook™ group in the next 90 days or less (or we’ll continue working with you 1-on-1 for free until you do)…
If you’d like to put our method to the test, click here to book a 1:1 action call with our team today & let's find out if our process is a good match for you...
Talk soon,
- Landon Stewart & Chris Stapleton
P.S. If you decide to work with us on your group, here's what we'll focus on...
#1: Growth: While most methods of group growth are slow & unpredictable, we use paid advertising to grow our group quickly with the right people.
Using paid ads, we’re able to grow our group by 50-100 qualified members each day. For every $1 we spend advertising our group, we generate $5 in return.
You can begin using our ad strategy with as little as $5/day, & then begin to scale after your advertising is profitable.
#2: Content: While most group owners post inside their group 1, 2, even 3 times per DAY, we post in our group just 2x times each WEEK...
Yet, our group is one the most active, engaged, and profitable groups in our entire industry...
Because we use our “Strategic Content Formula” to rapidly build trust & authority with each person who joins our group, handle their objections in advance, & inch them closer to a buying decision with each post we make.
#3: Conversions: While most group owners monetize their groups with sporadic launches & 5-day challenges, we focus on evergreen, daily client acquisition with our group.
We use our “Undercover Conversion Method” to convert new group members into high paying clients in just 21 days or less without being weird or salesy.
Using the methodology outlined above, we’ve acquired more than 800 high paying clients, & altogether, we now help our clients enroll over 20,000 clients of their own...
What's next? Click here to book a complimentary 1:1 action call with our team today.
Chat soon!
Get your hands on the exact systems & processes that power our $10MM Facebook™ group (each video in our curriculum is only 10-15 minutes long & comes with an action guide - some of our most successful clients skip the videos altogether and simply implement what's inside each guide)...
It's no secret: The success or failure of your coaching business comes down to the offer you have. Most coaches *think* they have a good offer, but once it's put to the test, their offer turns out to be a dud. Let our team of experts work with you 1:1 on your offer... to make sure it's priced effectively, set up to get your clients results, and fully scalable...
There's a big difference between having a group... and having a group that actually generates clients. We'll work with 1:1 to make sure your group is set up correctly (with the right name, description, approval questions, welcome post, etc)...
Each day, our group grows by 50-100 qualified prospects, who are eager to join our coaching programs. We accomplish that with ads. When you work with us, we'll give our exact ad templates that are already proven to work (clients have used these ad templates to generate over 1MM group members in the past 2 years, so they work incredibly well)...
Facebook™ does not allow you to run advertising directly into a group. You must send people to a "funnel" first. We'll let you download our exact funnel into your business with just one click...
Not gonna lie... Most people's group content is not very good (to say the least) and that's WHY they struggle to get clients. That's why we'll give you our exact content templates already proven to work... With our method, you only need to post in your group 2x/week, but we still need those posts to be GOOD...
With our group strategy, we get 25-50 inbound messages/day from people wanting to work with us... & we'll give the exact proven scripts our team uses in those messenger conversations day in & day out...
Over the past 2 years, we've made $3,400 on, on average, on EACH phone call our team has conducted... and we'll give you the exact phone scripts our team uses... (imagine what that would mean for you if you started generating 1-2 qualified calls/day)...
We spend over $100,000/month on a team of experts (in sales, marketing, & mindset)... and when you work with us, you'll receive unlimited 1-on-1 access to that team to get insight & feedback on your work in real time...
As if unlimited 1-on-1 coaching wasn't enough, you can also tune into our 3 live group coaching classes each week... Sometimes it's the question posed by another member of our community that unlocks the door to your next growth spurt... so group coaching can be unbelievably valuable...
Our mission is to help you get the EXACT result you want... and sometimes it's easier to produce when you have a little nudge... So you'll have your very own accountability coach, who's sole focus is ensuring you take the actions necessary to achieve the results you're committed to achieving...
How would you like to meet us, our staff, and our wildly successful clients in-person at our next even in Scottsdale, Arizona? You'll get a free ticket to attend our next in-person event and if for whatever reason, you can't attend in-person, you'll receive virtual access & all of the event recordings (professionally edited)...
Meet & network with other highly successful coaches inside our private, clients-only Facebook™ group... Inside, we have coaches making $20,000, $50,000, $100,000, even $250,000 each & every month...
If you qualify to work with us... we guarantee you'll make, at minimum, $30,000 with your Facebook™ group in the next 90 days or less (or we'll continue working with you 1-on-1 for free until you do)...
In 2016, Chris was working at a bar, driving a beat up truck, without air-conditioning, while Landon made ends meet picking up odd jobs.
And at the same time, they were trying to figure out how to create a living online.
At first, they struggled to do so, but then they met Mark Hoverson, who had built a $20 million dollar online business in a few short years.
Mark took Landon & Stapes under his wing and began mentoring them in life & business... and he taught Landon & Stapes how to cultivate communities using Facebook™ Groups.
After he passed away, Landon & Stapes started their first Facebook™ group...
Within 90 days, they hit $100k/month and have now gone on to make $10MM+ in the past 2 years...
Today, they’re incredibly passionate about helping other coaches tap into the incredible power of communities inside their businesses...
Altogether, they've helped more than 120 coaches make $30,000+/month with their groups.
We have proven this process out inside our own business. What makes us different than most is that we'll help you do what's actually working for us RIGHT NOW (not 2 years ago). Each month, our coaching company pulls in half a million dollars from our Facebook™ group. So we know exactly how to help you with yours.
Not only has this process worked incredibly well for us... but it's worked amazingly well for our clients too. Each month, our clients earn $5MM+ from THEIR groups. We get to see exactly what's working in our client's businesses too... and relay that information to you in real time.
When you work with us, we will show & tell you EXACTLY what to do... you just have to do it. We'll give you our exact group ad templates, group content templates, messenger scripts, phone scripts, offer creation protocol... EVERYTHING that has made us one of the largest coaching companies in the world... you'll get instant access to... That's how we can guarantee you results.
Need help? Call: 1.855.221.4250 (or) email: support@clientsandcommunity.com
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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM CLIENTS & COMMUNITY.